Our mission is to provide the best quality care available so that you are able to perform as the top pilot that you are. We provide high-quality medical flight exams so that you can stay in the sky for years to come.
We provide comprehensive services for pilots with 1st, 2nd and 3rd class medicals because our mission is to keep you flying. Dr. Robert Masone, is also certified as a HIMS (Human Intervention Motivation Study) aviation medical examiner.
The FAA MedXPress system is needed to request an FAA Medical Certificate and MUST BE electronically completed on-line before your visit.
*The confirmation number is only good for 60 days. After 60 days, all the pilot information must be redone and a new confirmation number will be issued.
If you are taking an Antidepressant Medication,

Aviation Medical Examiner
HIMS Examiner
With over 35 years of experience, he is an avid flyer who owns and operates a Bell Jet Ranger, a 1940 WACO UPF-7 and a Cirrus Vision Jet with over 4200 hours of total flight time. His aircraft ratings include CFII in helicopters and both single and multi-engine aircraft. He is a certified AME and is studying A&P certification.